Controversial Books | Page 5

CONTENTS Prologue: The Tree Bears Fruit 3 BOOK I i: London: The Odyssey Begins 17 ii: Cairo: The King's jungle 42 iii: Green Shirts and Red Fezzes 60 iv: The Moslem (Black) Brotherhood 78 v: Behind the Correspondent's Curtain 93 vi: World of the Koran: Islam Uber Alles 109 VII : The Marxist Underground viii: Off for the Holy War! 126 138 ix: The Holy City 163 x: Gun-Running! 183 xi: Return to Jerusalem 202 XII: With the Arabs in Jerusalem 221 BOOK II xiii: Medinat Yisrael Is Born 245 xiv: Life in the Besieged City 260 xv: A Week of Agony: A Consul Is Murdered 279 xvi: "Escape" to the Arabs 294