Controversial Books | Page 444

440 CAIRO TO DAMASCUS support of Russia, tomorrow shall present her demands on Turkey." The Weekly went on, later: "The [Armenian Revolutionary] Federation looks to the Soviet Government for the expansion of Armenia's boundaries and is willing to make all possible sacrifices for the realization of that national aim." A year later it was still harping on the same tune: "And the only power on earth which has both the power and the duty to right this wrong is Soviet Russia. That is the reason why Armenians abroad look to Russia for their salvation. ... It [the demand for the surrender of the now highly militarized Turkish provinces] is neither imperialism nor expansionism. It is pure, elementary justice." Hairenik Weekly punctuated its pro-Soviet policy in an editorial entitled "The American Cause And Our Stand," as follows: Some ask if the Armenian Revolutionary Federation's hitherto anti-Soviet policy will not be a handicap to the labors put forth in this country for the defense of the Armenian cause. In our opinion this fact will not only do no harm but, on the contrary, it will prove to be vastly useful. W