Controversial Books | Page 42

London: The Odyssey Begins 37 George F. Green, in care of the Press Club, London. I was in London; and a man thus endorsed was worth investigating. I lost no time, telephoned him, and he agreed to see me. Green headed the Independent Nationalists, and edited a British version of The International Jew. His contacts were worldwide. Gerald L. K. Smith quoted from his bulletins. We, the Mothers, Chicago's leading female hate-contingent, not only quoted from them, but also sold The International Jew. In Canada Green's correspondent was Adrian Arcand, once fuehrer of the Blue Shirts; in Rhodesia, Henry Beamish; he had similar correspondents in Argentina, South Africa, and Germany. There were many others, of course. Green had no sooner greeted me at the Press Club than he expressed fears of "surveillance by MI-5" (British Army Intelligence). "Let's not remain indoors," he said. We walked to Victoria Embankment Park. He was a short, pudgy, red-faced man, dressed in a worn and wrinkled dark suit, and he had about him the air of an energetic door-to-door salesman. He had earlier been in advertising and public-relations work. What teeth he possessed were irregular and brown-stained. A goodly number were missing, giving his mouth an empty look—but by no means interfering with his loquacity. "I've been busy," he said. "I had to provide bail for some of our members who were arrested and fined." He was referring to the epidemic of brick-throwing against Jewish shops, the rioting and the beating of Jews in a dozen English cities and towns. "I don't want to see one brick thrown," Green muttered between his missing teeth. "I want to see a million. But I'm against too much violence at this time. Bad tactics. We're not strong enough. Things will get better for us as England goes down. The Jews are bringing on the crisis. When it comes, we'll be in." Green talked on. "It's Zionist world-Jewry and their control of international finance which is a threat to world peace. I'm against giving foreigners citizenship. I'm against internation-