Controversial Books | Page 200

Gun-Running! 195 whether Labib Bey (a mutual dislike had developed between us) had given the order or whether it came from Sheikh Hassan el Banna himself. It might well come from either if they checked with their friends in the United States. At any rate, I kept to our room during most of my stay in Cairo, avoiding everyone I had formerly seen except Ahmed Hussein and the Green Shirts. I could not help asking Hussein, casually: "Do you hear anything from Katibah or Richardson these days?" He said he had received no word from them. I thought he was telling the truth but I was not sure. I could not get rid of the added suspicion that it was the Green Shirts who had warned the Jerusalem Arabs against me, and that to throw me off the scent they accused the Ikhwan. Cairo had changed for the worse in the two weeks I had been away. The drums of war were no longer muffled. The city was in a particularly ugly mood. It had just gone through a disastrous police strike that had been suppressed by violent army action. Hardly had the city recovered when 1,300 male nurses of Cairo's two leading hospitals had struck, causing the death of many patients. The government had withheld the facts by announcing that the publication of details would be "considered a serious crime." I sensed the mood of city-wide terror, especially on Friday afternoons when the faithful were exhorted from the mosques by fanatic sheikhs of El Azhar. I missed the experience of going around with Moustafa and Faris on their gun-hunting missions, but I learned to know Faris better and to distrust him. I felt intuitively that he was being underhanded. I was convinced that he was trying to set Moustafa against me. I had to put an end to this. Lunching alone with Moustafa one day, I said: "I'd like you to buy me a gun for my personal use against the Jews." Moustafa looked surprised, then broke into a smile. "I keep telling Faris you are on Allah's side, but he won't believe me. This will convince him." "A rifle is too bulky, a pistol too weak. Get me a Sten in good condition."