Controversial Books | Page 194

Gun-Running! 189 Today there arc 3,250,000 of us—indestructible as God's Law. My friend, if anybody survives atomic warfare it will be the Armenian." We burst out in laughter. "They speak of us as an Eastern people, but our culture is a hybrid of West and the residue of civilizations—East and West—that crisscrossed our country. Our religion and language are Western. Our feelings for democracy are Western. Others boast of their martyrs: a thousand and one publicized saints, with more manufactured every year. How about the tens of thousands of Armenians who chose death instead of conversion to Islam? They perished to keep Christ's holy flame burning. These are the real martyrs—the unsung saints, known but to God, unknown to your Western journals. Christianity with us has been no luxury. It was as hard to cling to as life itself, but as long as we kept Him, He kept us." The words seemed to pour out of the Armenian. "See those mounds, those hills?" He pointed with a gnarled hand. "If they could speak they would call out their names: Boghos, Avedis, Antranik, Hagop, Stepan, Sumpad! Armenians are buried everywhere on this desert around us. They fought with the Allies—with the English and the French in World War I to help liberate the Arabs from the Turks. Where did it get us, my friend? Here, there, under those mounds—death. We marched into Jerusalem with Allenby.2 The dead piled on the dead. We have fertilized the ground for the ambitions of this big power or that. You remember, do you not, how the English and the French deserted us in Turkey in 1921 and 1922, and looked the other 2 Marshal Allenby's assault on Beersheba in October 1917 enabled him to liberate the rest of Palestine from the Turks and capture Jerusalem two months later. About 75,000 members of the Armenian Legion of Volunteers died on the Arab and European fronts, fighting with the Allies. A former United States consul-general, George Horton, wrote of these and other experiences in The Blight of Asia, An Account of the Systematic Extermination of Christian Populations by Mohammedans and of the Culpability of Certain Great Powers (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill; 1926).