The Holy City
snipers shot at any figure seen crossing the lines, on the theory
that the Jews should stay on the Jewish side and Arabs on the
Arab side. I found a way that I thought minimized the risk of
being sniped at from the front as well as from the back. My
route led under barbed wire past the railway station, up a
deserted, rubble-strewn street, past several houses that looked
deserted but may not have been, through two British checkposts, and across an open space particularly susceptible to
Arab snipers. I negotiated the turns and twists without mishap. When I reached the YMCA I found it magnificent—
with swimming pool, library, game rooms, restaurant, athletic
field, and beautifully landscaped grounds. After a fine American supper and an ecstatic hot shower I used DDT liberally.
I spent the night in t