Controversial Books | Page 172

The Holy City 167 reach. The telephone lines had been cut. Later I saw saboteurs at work—Arabs systematically stripping the wires for their copper content. They would melt them into bullets. We reached Hebron, the Biblical tombsite of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac, Rebecca, and finally Jacob. In more recent times Hebron had the dubious distinction of being the first Palestinian town whose Jews were completely exterminated by the Arabs; this massacre took place in 1929 during the Muftiorganized attacks, which he directed from Hebron. Built between two rugged hillsides, the town was a natural fortress, known for the ferociousness, brutality, and homosexuality of its inhabitants. The inspection of our papers was severe. I passed again. The road from Hebron to Jerusalem traversed ground of hallowed antiquity. Here was the spot where, under the oak, Abraham received the three angels and where, later, David was anointed king. We passed Bethlehem, with its numerous churches, and beyond it the Well of the Magi, where the Star that they followed again appeared to the three Wise Men. We drove past the remains of an aqueduct built by Pontius Pilate. Then, as we came to Rachel's tomb, near which the Jews had built Kibbutz Ramat Rahel