Controversial Books | Page 144

Off for the Holy War! 139 Arabs everywhere were confident of victory. They gloated over their arms, their money, their numbers. "If we Moslems choose to spit on the Jews we could drown them," one said contemptuously. From another: "We are like a ball of snow. We have just begun to roll. We will crush the microbe of Zionism forever." The Arab Goliath of eight States and forty-five million people would win over a tiny, sausage-shaped, "militarily indefensible" area, encircled by Arabs, and containing 650,000 poorly armed Jews and a fifth column of at least as many Arabs. There was no doubt that the Arabs would win easily. They said so. WE'RE OFF AT LAST A TAXI brought me to Green Shirt headquarters early in the morning of April 1. It was a scene of wild confusion. Excited orders were being shouted every moment. Two telephones jangled constantly. I announced myself to Ahmed Hussein and also to Moustafa, who had acquired a pistol and a cartridge belt. After this, I waited quietly by the door. Nothing in the Arab world, I knew, is done quickly or on time. Whatever the Arab's other talents, if there is a complex or a long way around, he is likely to take it instead of the simple and efficient way. Then, too, the average Arab finds it difficult to subordinate his fierce independence to the demands of teamwork. Two instincts: to rebel against an order, or to give one himself, clash within him immediately. The result is often a great deal of verbal thunder, but little actual accomplishment. And so, I waited patiently for the snowball to start rolling. Shortly after noon, Hussein hurried up to me. "Do you have your camera?" I patted my hip pocket. "Good," he said. "Come with me."