The Marxist Underground
workers organized," Nabaoui said. "That is only one tenth of
the industrial potential."
Nabaoui told me that the People's Liberation Movement
had two thousand secret Communist members, meeting in
cells. There was a Congress of Trade Union Workers, a
Patriotic Committee for Workers and Students, and a Cultural and Scientific Association—all underground. "These,"
he explained, "take in most of the progressive workers, students, and intellectuals. We used to have the Popular University, which taught history, politics, and economics from
the Marxist point of view, but Sidky Pasha shut it down.
In 1946 we organized a National Front which brought together thousands of members and sympathizers under one
leadership. Sidky Pasha suppressed this, too, and threw the
leaders into jail."
"How are you financed?" I asked. Nabaoui hesitated a
moment before answering. "My father gives me a m