Controversial Books | Page 128

World of the Koran: Islam Uber Alles 123 the "Lion of Morocco." This famous leader of the Riff mountain tribes repulsed the combined assaults of the French and Spanish for six years before he was finally forced to surrender. He was then exiled for more than twenty years on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean. Abd el Krim was now in Cairo. The story of his "escape" from exile—portrayed as a romantic adventure by British writers—was as a matter of cold fact the outcome of an anti-French plot hatched in the Maghreb and Middle East Offices. Here's how it happened: In May 1947, the French decided to transfer Abd el Krim to the Riviera. The French plan was to play him against the Sultan of French Morocco, championed by the British. As the ship carrying the Riff hero rounded the British protectorate of Aden, British agents informed the Maghreb Office in Cairo. The Maghreb puppets sprang into action. They clambered on board and urged him to jump ship immediately. .