Controversial Books | Page 124

World of the Koran: Islam Uber Alles 119 on the floor of the church, shows that the Archbishop's apprehensions were well-founded. His prophecy has come true. I was told that this poster was put up by the Arab League. Certain committees, posing as "patriotic," either mortgaged or bought land from Palestine Arabs, ostensibly to keep it from Jewish settlers. Arabs who refused to sell at low prices were branded tools of the Jews, and often murdered. Actually, the purpose of these committees was to extend the feudal powers of the landowners. I was told: "The Arab who sold his land to the Jews against our advice was killed at once. Anyone could kill him. No one would know who. The Arab's family and the families of other Arabs would know why he had been killed." THE ARAB DREAM—ISLAM UBER ALLES ONE of the Arab League's most eloquent spokesmen was a Roman Catholic convert named Assad Bey Dagher, whom I met through Aboul. Assad Bey briefed me at length on the League's ultimate aim: the unification of the Arab States from Gibraltar to Iraq. This would include Spanish and French Morocco, Algeria, Lybia, Tunis (these North African Moslem countries are collectively known as the Maghreb), Sudan, the Arab League States (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan), and Palestine, which was represented in the League by the Mufti. "The Arab world would be like a giant bird, with the Maghreb countries comprising the left wing, the Arab States the right wing. Egypt would be the body and soul of the Arab bird," Assad Bey said to me. "There will be unity, uniform laws, the same money system, no customs barriers, and no need for passports for Moslems. Each State would have an independent tax system and its own army, but the manpower