Controversial Books | Page 116

World of the Koran: Islam Uber Alles 111 time. We look on democracy as a myth because imperialism is still with us. We will fight with the devil next time, if necessary. We will fight with Russia against both England and the United States to achieve our independence. We will be Communists. We will be anything. But we will be independent. We will act as Egyptians." I found this feeling—its genuineness will only be determined in a crisis—widespread throughout the Arab world. SPIES, COURIERS, AND TRAITORS THERE is no doubt in my mind that this hatred for British imperialism had much to do with the pro-Axis sympathies of most of the Egyptian royal court. Those sympathies were known to Allied intelligence early in World War II. Later they became a world scandal. Members of Egypt's first family were involved in espionage for Italy. In some of King Farouk's palaces Italian technicians operated radios and relayed intelligence to Rome. Many of the king's mistresses were Axis agents. His palace was a rendezvous for spies, couriers, and traitors. During the Nuremberg trials, it was brought out that one of Farouk's cousins, Prince Mansour Daud, was provided with an apartment and personal expenses by F