Controversial Books | Page 114

(CHAPTER VI) WORLD OF THE KORAN: ISLAM UBER ALLES "We will fight with the devil next time, if necessary. We will fight with Russia against both England and the United States to achieve our independence. We will be Communists. We will be anything. . . . We will act as Egyptians." Saleh Harb Pasha Former Egyptian Minister of Defense I WAS visiting the headquarters of the Arab League, trying to learn the latest news from Palestine, when one of the officials called me aside and said: "You have become quite a familiar figure around the Arab League, haven't you? You fly in and out like a bird. You always carry a camera and get around a great deal for a man who is in Egypt for just a short visit." How he knew that I had put down "short visit" on my Egyptian visa application in London, or that I got around, I never knew. But I determined to be careful, especially when one of his wealthy friends invited me to a party at his desert ranch near the Pyramids. One of the princesses of the royal family (all were beautiful) had been invited. Such an event, under the dancing stars and alluring Egyptian moon, with dark-eyed houris and exotic Oriental music, could add a glit-