Controversial Books | Page 101

96 CAIRO TO DAMASCUS built young man with burning eyes. "The effendis want to hide it from you. We want American advice. We want Marshall Plan help, and we want you to help administer it so the people will benefit. The effendis do not want this because they want to keep the money for themselves. This class is not worthy of Egypt. It is not worthy of your friendship. You in America, turn your eyes to our people. Our people are your only friends." "When you go back, tell this to America." Another student suddenly spoke up. He quoted from a clipping from a Cairo weekly, Roz-el Yusef: " 'Mohammed Barazi Ibrahim, chief physician of Fouad University, has reported that only 7.5 per cent of his students enjoy full health.' And listen to this: '92.5 per cent are afflicted with some kind of sickness; 50 per cent have chest diseases including tuberculosis; 87 per cent