contritions of the phoenix zine june, 2016-updated | Page 41

story, but over time it's changed and become more reflective. Now that I know how it's going to end (and I've known since about half way through creating book 1,) it's taken on more themes of examining your life and letting go of all the bad stuff you can't change, and learning to accept the good bits instead. I hope that the next two books expand on that idea, and give the reader a good sense that Maude (and all the characters) are finding a way to find closure with the awful things that have happened to them.

Hopefully this isn't too spoilery!

ok round three-lightening round

1. top 5 favorite artists (of any sort)

Favorite artists: Clutch (music); Tim Powers (writer); Connie Willis (writer); the team that created Fallout 3 (video game); and I am now panicking because I've answered 4 out of 5, and I'm pretty sure I'm missing someone(s) important to me, and now I can't think!

2. what are your hobbies?

I like aikido, video games, and walking around the neighborhood with friends and family

3. worst job you ever had?

Far too many awful jobs to pick from, so instead I'll tell you about the best job I ever had: I worked for a local family, selling jewelry at their store in Old Town. I was about 16 or so, and had already been working at various fast food places. This family treated everyone that worked for them as if we were also family members, not just workers. They invited us to holiday gatherings, and I remember every Thanksgiving they'd give us all gift certificates to the local grocery store, so that even as a 16 year old kid, I knew that there would be dinner on the table. They encouraged everyone to follow their dreams, even if that meant you'd be leaving the store and heading off on your own. They'd really set the bar high, and every job I've ever had since has been weighed against how supportive and wonderful those people were.

4. favorite style of music?

I've been listening to a lot of other types of music these days, but my one true musical love is hard rock, veering on heavy metal.

5. your most inspirational spot(s)?

Wow, I can't think of any! I tend to be so focused that it doesn't matter how inspired you are, if you need to get the work done, you need to get it done! I like to think that there's a spot out there that if I find it, it'll help me write and draw comics easier, but if it exists, I've not found it yet!

6. if you could visit anywhere in the world where would you go?

I had a history teacher from Czechoslovakia who would always talk about her country, and the various parts it had played throughout Western civilization. I'd really love to go to Prague and see the underground parts of the city, and walk along the old bunkers that line the hills and mountainsides.

7. earth, water, fire, air?

Earth - I've always had an affinity for the soil and dirt.

8. what is one of your guilty pleasures? (one of mine is i am intrigued by the kardashians...i know it's gross but it was brought to my attention i am a classist so i needed to know why i am...and bam-kardashians)

Trashy romance novels, the trashier the better! They don't even have to be smutty (although that's always a bonus) but there's something about how well those authors can really play on a reader's emotions, even if they're writing from a generic template!

9. favorite pizza toppings?

If left to my own devices, I prefer mushrooms and black olives.