Contractor's Revenue Recognition Reminder Checklist 2019 Revenue Recognition | Page 7

APPENDIX D (FASB ASC TOPIC 606) When the Auditors Hit the Field Be prepared to provide documentation to your external auditors to support that you are applying the new principles-based approach of ASC 606 to account for each of your construction contracts. The following addresses possible situations you may encounter and the related important considerations to apply and document. >> STEP 1 Has the change order, including price, been approved by all parties? Yes: Stop here. >> STEP 2 Have parties agreed to the change order, but not yet finalized the price? Yes: Stop here. Item should be accounted for as variable consideration. No: Stop here. No changes to the existing contract should be made until step 1 or step 2 can be answered Yes. >> STEP 3 Does the change order add goods or services that are distinct from those provided before the modification? >> STEP 1 Does the contract include consideration that varies based on the occurrence (or nonoccurrence) of a future event? No: Go to Step 3. Yes: Separate (prospective) accounting is appropriate. No: Cumulative catch-up adjustment is appropriate. Alternative: Possible combination of both above depending on nature of change. Yes: Proceed. No: Stop here. >> STEP 2 Is any of the variable consideration non-cash? Yes: Determine value of non-cash consideration and go to step 4. >> STEP 3 Does the variable consideration result in only two possible outcomes (such as, all or none) or could there be a range of outcomes? All or None: Estimate the variable consideration using the most likely amount method. >> STEP 4 Is it probable that a significant portion of the variable consideration will be reversed once the uncertainty is resolved? Range: Estimate the variable consideration using the expected value method, go to step 4. Yes: Limit the amount estimated in step 3. No: Include the estimate in step 3 in transaction price. CONTRACTOR’S REMINDER CHECKLIST | 6