Contraband Interdiction Fall 2023 | Page 8

FIGHTING THE FIGHT : Facilities Division
Combating contraband in prisons is an ongoing challenge that requires constant vigilance and adaptability . It is not easy , as inmates constantly find new and creative ways to smuggle prohibited items into our facilities . Our Facilities Division continually works to improve our strategies to stay one step ahead of them .
Prisons are complex , and contraband can be concealed in various places ; therefore , facility staff constantly search high and low to ensure illegal items offenders may have in their possession are located . The way offenders and whoever is assisting them , smuggle in contraband changes by the day , so our staff must always be ready for the challenge .
Stopping contraband requires teamwork , intelligence gathering , training and attention to detail . By staying vigilant , adapting our strategies , and working together , the Facilities Division , Special Operations Division , and Office of Professional Standards can continue to combat contraband and maintain a secure environment .