“ I find it hard to express why, as a parent, the school touches such a deep chord within
me but I will try. It is definitely not the social cachet (although I would be lying if I said
that I was not proud that my children have attended Sevenoaks), nor the academic
achievements (fantastic though they are). It is the stimulating intellectual environment,
the ‘everything else’ the school offers, and most importantly to me, the novel and exciting
ways in which the teachers communicate their subjects. Instead of gearing their lessons
purely to an exam syllabus, they show their students endless possibilities and lines of enquiry.
I want my children to be stimulated and interested in the world around them, and Sevenoaks
School imparts a real sense of adventure. I also greatly respect the emphasis placed on
community service and charity. Pupils are constantly reminded of their great privilege and
good fortune; not in a way that makes them feel guilty, but in a way that encourages them to
ask what they can do to improve the lives of those less fortunate. I know that in their future
careers, many Sevenoaks alumni will be in a position to do immense good in the world, and the
seeds of philanthropy will have been sown at the school.”
Not so hard after all. And quite unsolicited, in case you were wondering.