Rethinking Lonely
e all experience
moments in our lives
where we feel like we
are alone, or that no
one cares.
Last year, it really hit me hard.
I have always had friends and felt
like I was loved, but then I entered
college, and my whole thinking
changed. It was hard for me to
make any friends, even though my
university is very social. I spent all
day lounging in my dorm room or
eating alone in the dining hall. There
were moments when I felt depressed
and didn’t want to be there anymore.
It was a huge life change I had never
happen if one day you don’t have
them by your side?
You have to be able to live by
yourself and be at peace with who
you are as a person. Being alone is
not bad. It’s a way to get to know
yourself on a deeper level. It’s
satisfying when you can be alone
but not feel alone...because you
are with you.
So, as this year begins, I am feeling
better about myself. I think it takes
time to have that peace that you
want. These feelings that you have
when you’re alone won’t go away
overnight. They also won’t ever go
away completely. But there will be
a huge improvement if you work at
it daily. What helps me is writing my
But these are the moments that make thoughts in a journal, working out,
you realize who you are and if you are finding new hobbies, or meditating.
truly content with yourself.
The most important thing to know is
Friends and family make you feel
this: You are enough. You are special.
special and cared for, but what will
You should be happy in life.