You might be thinking:
Why is someone with big
boobs complaining about
them? Shouldn’t I feel lucky?
That’s a misconception
about being female. If
my idol. So much so, that I
re-posted one of her photos
on my account and she
commented back on my post.
This was huge for me.
Someone with thousands
of followers took time out
of her day to notice my
account. The only other time
this happened was when
Tila Tequila, I assumed
accidentally, liked one of my
pictures. But I digress.
Discovering Laura opened
up many doors for me in the
social media sphere. I found
society says you should have other models on Instagram
big boobs, perfect hair, and
like Ashley Graham and Katie
rock hard abs, then everyone Willcox who embraced parts
who doesn’t have those feels of their bodies that I had
inadequate, and everyone
always tried to hide. It was
who does have them isn’t
a whole new world I never
allowed to hate them.
knew existed.
I learned that, ironically,
I’m not trying to say these
through social media.
models are any better than
A couple of years ago, I
supermodel legends like
found a “plus-sized” model,
Cindy Crawford and Heidi
environmentalist, and allKlum. There is no doubt
around good person named
they’re gorgeous people. But
Laura Wells on Instagram.
that’s the point.
She had big boobs and curves
Women of all shapes
(gasp!), and she exuded more and sizes are beautiful,
confidence than any model
and that’s why they should
I had ever seen. She was
all be represented in the
Don’t be afraid
to love your
own body.
media. If you are petite and
love it, then there is a role
model out there for you. If
you are curvy and proud,
let’s make sure there is a
woman (or even you!) out
there representing your
What I’m trying to say is,
don’t be afraid to love your
own body. This is coming
from the girl who hated hers
up until a few months ago.
After trying on a handful
of bras in that dressing room,
the most difficult part wasn’t
finding one I tolerated, but
choosing which ones I sadly
had to leave behind.
“Did any of those work out
for you?” the still optimistic
Lane Bryant associate asked
as I walked out with my
collection of bras.
“Yeah, actually.” I replied
truthfully, for the first time
Whether we like them or
not, we all have boobs and
insecurities. You should
never be ashamed of your
body. Ever. Don’t worry if
you don’t meet someone
else’s standards. You’re not
living for them, anyway.