CONTEMPORARY EURASIA VOLUME VIII (1) ContemporaryEurasia81 | Page 67

BENIAMIN MAILYAN good relations with China a possible counterweight to Russia’s dominance in the region. In the modern world, there is enough variety of alternative projects that could easily complement other and even become platforms for the development of completely new integration processes. In 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping put forward a new strategic idea of reviving the Silk Road and the association of his country into a single economic zone – the “Silk Road Economic Belt”. At the core of this initiative lies the idea that the world-famous ancient trade corridor still has plenty of untapped opportunities. The concept of “Economic Zone – New Silk Road” is based on a number of key points – political cooperation, sharing of road networks, free trade, unrestricted circulation of money and the pooling of interests of different nations. It emphasizes that the coordination of their actions will be with the unconditional preservation of existing natural differences between them. Accumulated experience in the period of “reform and openness” has allowed Beijing to make the conclusion that economic penetration is more important than direct political control. This follows ancient principles of Chinese strategy – “win without fighting”, to be flexible, accurate dosage and direct impact on the key points of different regions and countries. The method of implementation of this strategy is the ancient doctrine, “Wu wei”. Its essence: no dictates and cooperation. Chinese leaders say that the Celestial Empire is committed to developing their relations on the basis of the five principles of peaceful coexistence with all countries of the international community without exception. 11 For the successful implementation of their ambitious economic reforms, this great Eastern country needs a long-term and lasting international order based on the stability of relations. Chinese experts believe that the “Silk Road Economic Belt” will also give a new boost to the development of China’s economic cooperation with Russia and the Central Asian countries and its integration in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). <…> China will be able to gain more access to the CIS markets, which will assist its sustainable economic development and create conditions for forming a free trade area within the borders of the SCO member states. <…> By putting forward its project, the PRC is in no way aiming to damage the interests of Russia, bilateral relations with which it highly values. The main motivation behind this project is a natural desire for economic cooperation. <…> Cooperation is the best format for meeting the interests of both countries; competition aimed at pushing out the rival will be detrimental for both of them. <…> It is Diplomatic Relations Between China and Georgia”], Rénmín Rìbào, June 8, 2007, (accessed April 5, 2019). 11 “Posol KNR w Gruzii vystupil s lekciej «Vnešnjaja politika Kitaja»”, (in Russian), [“Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Georgia Delivered a Lecture on "China's Foreign Policy"], Rénmín Rìbào, March 16, 2012, http://russian. (accessed April 2, 2019). 67