Common types of
Hearing Loss
Age-Related Hearing Loss
By the age of 50, 40% of us will have hearing
loss - and by age 70, that figure rises to 70%,
i.e. the majority. Some of us may be genetically
more inclined towards age-related hearing loss,
but as it is so common, it’s just regarded as part
of the ageing process. In this case, over time we
lose our ability to hear softer, higher pitched
sounds more than others.
However, the process is gradual and often goes
unnoticed. So for now, you could be suffering
needlessly without knowing it. There’s no real
way to prevent age-related loss, although it’s
understood that unhealthy life choices can
worsen the effect (eg. smoking). But hearing
can still be improved with the help of hearing
aids, especially if the problem is tackled early on.
Conductive or Mixed Hearing Loss
The conducting parts of the ear (the outer and
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
middle) can be blocked or damaged, either
permanently or temporarily (eg. earwax).
The second most common form of hearing loss can
result from long term exposure to explosion-type
sounds, or periodic exposure over a long period like
attending a couple of concerts (where after a few
months the hearing loss remains). Noise-induced
hearing loss is permament and irreversible. 90% of
young people have experienced ringing in their ears
after a night out - this is a sign of hearing damage!
The problem could be a damaged bone or
a perforated eardrum, or a build-up of fluid
from a bad cold. This problem often requires
medical intervention initially and can explain
a fluctuating hearing loss. If we can see any
physical irregularities, then we'll let you see for
yourself with our video otoscope.