A round 1 in 6 people (16%) in the UK have
a hearing loss. That changes to 40% in the
population over age 50 and 70% in those
over the age of 70. It is known that hearing
loss can cause feelings of isolation, loneliness
and even depression. 4 million people in the
UK could benefit from wearing a hearing aid,
but have not yet taken action to address their
hearing loss.
The signs of hearing loss
· You have the TV volume louder than others
Are you
Over 50?
· You ask others to repeat what they have
said or comment on people mumbling /
not speaking properly
· You have problems understanding speech
in the presence of background noise
· You may avoid social activities
40% of over 50’s
suffer from
hearing loss
· You may raise your voice (say, on the
telephone) or speak over people
· You find it hard to tell where sounds are
coming from