Did you know ? Our hearing aid batteries are heavily subsidised ( Saving around 60 % on typical High Street prices ) and will only cost the average user £ 20 a year .
Attention to Detail
If your provider offers advice on the following then this probably indicates a more thorough approach :
Dry aid kits :
These simple kits are now widely used to protect your investment . It is known that the main problem with reliability in hearing aids is moisture ingress . We will give you a starter kit to actively encourage you to use a drying kit every day . It is basically an air-tight tub with silica crystals inside which dry out your hearing aids overnight .
Telephones :
Most hearing aid wearers
Simply mention Consumer Guide 2014 and we ’ ll give you a UNITRON CLEANDRY electric drying and cleaning unit worth £ 89.99 , free when you buy a pair of hearing aids from us .
have unsuitable telephones and mobiles . We will , as standard , advise you on the correct use / best set-up of your existing phones or if needed , on the best replacement equipment to suit you . Hearing aids do not generally work well with existing telephone equipment . We see it as part of our duty of care to you to advise you properly on this important communication medium .
TV advice :
Modern TV sound quality is causing listening / comprehension problems for many of us . If you have a hearing loss , then it ’ s going to be much worse . The first flat screen TVs are the worst for sound . A Flat TV that is 5-10 years old will typically have very poor speakers , with the smaller models that were fashionably fitted in kitchens and conservatories being the worst … Sound production in newer LED and smart TVs is often much better . However , your hearing case care professional should really assist you in tuning your TV sound to suit your hearing loss . This will often bring about a massive increase in speech understanding and will be readily accepted by other family members . Our Audiologists and Dispensers offer free home visits to set up TVs correctly for your hearing loss . This includes positioning , hearing tactics , fine tuning of the TV sound and hearing aids on site , and advice on newer TVs if required .
Tablet / Smartphone Use :
Many of our clients benefit from
the modern day miracle of Skype and FaceTime . If you are willing to explore this technology , we can help you set up contacts with friends and family and show you how these wonderful technologies can vastly improve your life . For those of you already up to speed , we can direct you to the very best apps out there to test your hearing aids ’ efficiency , to train your brain to listen better , to calibrate your hearing aids with , and even to remotely control them through your iPhone !
Did you know ? Our hearing aid batteries are heavily subsidised ( Saving around 60 % on typical High Street prices ) and will only cost the average user £ 20 a year .