Product Ranges
How to choose from a range
Each manufacturer will have several product
ranges, based on the level of technology that
they contain.
From within each range you can choose from
the style of hearing aid available (for example
RIC or ITE).
Essentially manufacturers will have top, mid
and bottom ranges in their products. Each
range will typically have the same computer
chip inside, but with varying levels of how
they process and amplify, making a difference
to the quality of sound that you will hear.
Each hearing aid wearer will have different
requirements and it is the job of your hearing
care professional to select the right product
from a range for you.
An alternative is to opt for the previous year's
range, which can be the manufacturer’s older
technology but with a new name. This can be
a beneficial, less expensive option as most
hearing aids over the last few years still have
good technological capabilities.
Finally, there are also unique hearing aid
innovations such as the Lyric 3 which is
professionally fitted inside the ear canal
and can be left there for months at a time.
You can wear them in the shower and
whilst sleeping, however they can be very
In summary, so long as you get on well with
your hearing care professional, you are given
time to evaluate your hearing improvement
and are supported well, almost all hearing
aids will be suitable for you. You won't be
able to determine anything further than that
until you actually try something.
Technological benefits typically
found in high-end hearing aids:
Wireless speech processing between
the two aids.
Potentially mellower, more natural
sound quality in noisy environments.
Easier for your hearing care
professional to fine tune the
aids for your needs.
Actual benefits typically experienced
by clients that connect well with
their Hearing Care Professional:
If both parties understand each other,
then the fine-tuning will tend to
be more accurate. A depth of
understanding grows over the initial
rehabilitation appointments and
thereafter. This tends to increase the
number of successful outcomes.
Mutual trust enhances the value of
the service and product.