the debtor upon plan confirmation, but it permits the debtor a whole range of possibilities that are
completely ignored by most mandatory model plans. 11 U.S.C. § 1322(b)(9) permits the debtor
to provide for vesting “on confirmation of the plan or at a later time, in the debtor or in any other
entity.” 77% of the model plans either provided only one revesting provision or provided none,
which would default to revesting on plan confirmation. 17% offered two revesting options.
Only 6% of the model plans allowed the debtor to specify a revesting provision, like the National
Model Plan does. The current group of mandatory model plans seriously abridge debtors’ rights
in this regard as well.
NACBA urges that if the proposed rules are adopted, local model plans be required to offer
revesting options which include the ability for the debtor to describe his/her own provision.
Specification of Projected Disposable Income (PDI) and Best Interest of
Creditors (BIOC) Test Calculations
Many mandatory model plans require the debtor to state the results of the PDI and
BIOC tests within the plan. However, some model plans go beyond that to specifying a formula
and form to use to calculate those tests. Of the mandatory model plans, 17% specify BIOC
calculations that are arguably incorrect and 14% of the mandatory model plans prescribe
calculations for PDI or designate the use of PDI arguably incorrectly. Because the debtor is
theoretically the proponent of the filed plan, s/he could well be bound by these calculations and
results – even if they do not comply with the Code (See Espinosa).
NACBA urges that if the proposed rules are adopted, comments encourage the avoidance of
mandatory worksheets specifying PDI and BIOC calculations.
Methods of Determining Dividends on General Unsecured Claims
Nationwide, the great variation in methods of specifying the dividends to be paid
on general unsecured claims provided in mandatory model plans is almost beyond imagination.
The following options – including combinations of them – are included in the mandatory model
plans. Because some plans offer several options, the sum of the identified plan provisions
exceeds the number of model plans.
26 plans specified or allowed specifying this option: “funds left over after
secured, priority, and administrative claims are paid” [on general
unsecured claims]
26 other plans allowed specifying this option: “funds left over after
secured, priority, and administrative claims are paid,” combined with one
or more other option
24 plans specified: “no less than __”
36 plans specified or allowed specifying: “$____”, a dollar dividend
combined with one or more other option
National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys
Winter 2016