President’s REPORT
Colleen Nunnelly Memorial Award
In October 2011, NACBA lost a wonderful colleague and long-term NACBA Member, K. Colleen Nunnelly. Ever a strong
supporter of NACBA’s mission, always a positive voice within NACBA and an outstanding State Chair, Colleen will be
greatly missed. In recognition of her contributions to NACBA, we have created the K. Colleen Nunnelly Award to honor
a NACBA member whose collegiality and support for NACBA’s mission embodies Colleen’s spirit, quiet leadership,
enthusiasm, and positive contributions to NACBA.
Recipient: Herman Padgett, Esq. (AL)
I would like to extend our sincerest thanks and congratulations to all the award recipients, keynote speakers, presenters,
and panel chairs for their participation and presentation in this convention.
This event also would not have been possible without the continued support from the NACBA membership, sponsors,
exhibitors and most importantly, the convention planning committee and NACBA staff.
Pamela Stewart, Esq., Co-Chair (TX) Alex Dolhancyk, Esq. (GA) Henry Sommer, Esq. (PA)
Richard Nemeth, Esq., Co-Chair (OH) Rachel Foley, Esq. (MO) Jeff Tromberg, Esq. (FL)
Greta LaMountain Biagi, Esq. (MA) Jill Michaux, Esq. (KS) Tara Twomey, Esq. (CA)
Carol Colliersmith, Esq. (GA) Chuck Moore, Esq. (FL) Brett Weiss, Esq. (MD)
To those who weren’t able to attend – you were missed! I hope this brief summary keeps you informed about the always
exciting NACBA annual convention. Do not hesitate to reach out to the national office with any questions or concerns. You
can also review many of the #NACBA25 convention sessions at
It’s not too early to save the dates for 2018 (April 19-22). Denver, Colorado will host NACBA’s 26th Annual Convention.
Led by Convention Co-Chairs Jenny Doling Esq. (CA) and Ed Boltz Esq. (NC), planning is already underway!
Summer 2017
National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys