TECHNOLOGY INNER SANCTUM required to fulfil this last requirement . If you want to use an online service , there are a number from which to choose . Check out PC mag ’ s review for 2017 . ( www . pcmag . com / article2 / 0,2817,2288745,00 . asp ) Besides cost , you should also consider security and time . Time to backup or restore your data might be measured in days , especially if you suffer a failure . Security is important because you will be sending your most sensitive information off to a third party . Remember what the rules say about preserving client confidences .
There are also hardware solutions for “ private cloud storage ”, but they can be pricey and require a level of tech knowledge beyond the pay grade of a simple lawyer . Those IT guys don ’ t come cheap .
As with any technology , start small and build up over time . Review your processes and policies as you progress and then revise . Start with one backup copy of some data . Then make two copies . Then take one of those copies off site . Wash , rinse , repeat .
Once you have a habit built of backing up , expand the data you are copying . Maybe you need to back up more than just client data . What about that library of forms and research you ’ ve built up ?
How about the office financial and accounting data ? Expand your backup scope and frequency .
Once you ’ ve got the backup process in place , figure out what works for you . Now it ’ s time to think about some form of “ cloud ” storage . Do you go with an online service or take the private hardware approach ?
And finally , on National Backup Day verify that your backups are valid . There is nothing worse than finding out that you have been copying that Donald Duck video over and over and not any actual client data .
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National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys Spring 2017 CONSUMER BANKRUPTCY JOURNAL 11