Consumer Bankruptcy Journal Spring 2015 | Page 5

PRESIDENT’S REPORT socializing. Sessions at the convention will take a very in-depth look into a broad array of topics, particularly the student loan crisis, as well as, panels for all levels of experience, taught by nationally recognized experts on consumer bankruptcy, including many judges and trustees. Beyond that, we will have keynote speeches from both Jake Halpern, who’s book of Bad Paper: Chasing Debt from Wall Street to the Underworld, is a wild ride through the underworld of debt collection, and Professor Amir Sufi, the co-author of House of Debt, which details the ways in which the housing bust damaged the economic well-being of low- and middle-income households across the country. You will also have the opportunity to review the latest software and services specifically for bankruptcy attorneys by meeting our Convention sponsors, exhibitors and NACBA’s partner companies. I want to thank Convention chairs Gene Melchionne and Pam Stewart, as well as the rest of the planning team, for their hard work on what I know will be an exciting and educational event. I do not need to remind our members that bankruptcy filings have continued to be sluggish, despite the many economic hardships we see for our clients. NACBA is committed to continue to develop ways to help our members during these times and also to maintain our own financial stability. Through savings achieved with the major staff reorganization that the Board and our new Executive Director implemented during the year, as well as very successful webinar events and maintaining our membership rolls, NACBA has been able in the last half National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys Spring 2015 of 2014 to reverse previous deficits and return to a positive financial position, without having to further burden our members. We are confident that throughout 2015, NACBA will retain and build on its sound financial foundation. I am very excited to have the opportunity and honor to continue to lead NACBA through the next years, particularly working with Dan LaBert as our Executive Director, the rest of the NACBA officers, board and staff, but also with all of you, our members. It is through your support and participation that NACBA is able to continue to represent the interests of consumers whether in the courts, in Congress and the Statehouses across the country, or where ever need arises. So thank you all. CONSUMER BANKRUPTCY JOURNAL 5