Consumer Bankruptcy Journal Spring 2015 | Page 39

NACBA AWARDS HENRY J. SOMMER SCHOLARSHIP TO VICTORIA COX OF OF THE ATLANTA LEGAL AID SOCIETY, INC. By Patrick Mitchell E ach year, one bankruptcy attorney who demonstrates outstanding contributions in his or her community is granted a scholarship from National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys (NACBA) to attend its national convention at no cost. This year, NACBA’s coveted Henry J. Sommer Legal Aid Scholarship goes to Victoria Cox, counsel, for the Law Office of Douglas T. Kidd, P.C., and staff attorney, Home Defense Program at Atlanta Legal Aid Society, Inc. The Henry J. Sommer scholarship was created in recognition of the extraordinary contributions to NACBA by President Emeritus Henry J. Sommer, who served on NACBA’s Board from 1992 to 2011 and as President from 2005 to 2008. In addition to the educational opportunity, the scholarship allows the deserving recipient an opportunity to interact with others in the close-knit community of 3,5000 bankrupcty attorneys in the U.S. NACBA Executive Director Dan LaBert said: “We are pleased to announce Victoria Cox as the 2015 recipient of the NACBA Henry J. Sommer Legal Aid Scholarship. It’s no small accomplishment to be selected from such a vast field of bankruptcy attorneys. We applaud Ms. Cox for her important legal aid achievements in her local community in Atlanta, and are eager to provide this opportunity so that she may influence bankruptcy issues on the national stage, including policies affecting our colleagues in every state.” The 2015 Scholarship winner, Victoria Cox is an active member of the Metro Atlanta Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys Group (MACBAG), Georgia Association for Women Lawyers and the Northern Judicial Circuit Bar Association. Her practice areas include bankruptcy, mortgage lending and servicing, and foreclosure defense. Cox received her law degree from Georgia State University in 2014. During law school, she participated in several student-run clinics where she represented clients with federal tax, health, housing, and consumer bankruptcy issues. Prior to law school, she attended Northern Arizona University and graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys Spring 2015 Accountancy in 2010. Cox resides in Atlanta, Georgia with her family. ABOUT NACBA The National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys (http://www. is the only national organization dedicated to serving the needs of consumer bankruptcy attorneys and protecting the rights of consumer debtors in bankruptcy. Formed in 1992, NACBA has 3,500 members located in all 50 states and Puerto Rico. CONSUMER BANKRUPTCY JOURNAL 39