President’s Report
other organizations such as NACTT,
NABT, and NCBJ. There were no
educational programs that focused
just on consumer bankruptcy, where
you could hear what was happening
not only locally but in other districts.
NACBA changed all this and has had
a tremendous impact. I understand
that local practitioners may say: “what
does NACBA really do for me in my
practice?” There is much that NACBA
does, particularly on the legislative
and administrative front, that must go
unnoticed. This is because the most
effective advocacy often is stopping
harmful bills, court rules, or regulations.
As a member of NACBA’s legislative
committee, I can assure you that much
of what you do on a daily basis, from the
forms you use, the declaration you must
sign on the petition, the filing fees your
clients pay, the information you need
to produce at meetings of creditors,
and the claim information mortgage
creditors must provide, have all been
affected by NACBA’s advocacy and
would have been far more detrimental
to your practice had NACBA not
asserted its influence.
of Congress and Senate from both
parties and their leadership now ask,
before introducing a bankruptcy bill or
deciding whether to move it, will NACBA
support or oppose the bill, or have
NACBA’s concerns been addressed?
And that does not even consider the
impact that NACBA has had in the
courts through its amicus project.
I encourage all of you to make the
time and “Be Our Guest” as NACBA
celebrates our 25th Anniversary,
National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys
Fall 2016
May 4-7, 2017, at the Walt Disney
Dolphin Hotel in Orlando Florida. The
2017 Convention Committee, led by
Pam Stewart (TX) and Richard “Hal”
Nemeth (OH), have already had a 1/2
dozen planning meetings. New for
2017 will be “advanced sessions” and
“interactive learning” (yes, leave your
phone ON during designated sessions).
Of course, there will also be a NACBA
birthday celebration party that is not to
be missed! In honor of our 25th year,
NACBA negotiated a hotel room rate
that is over 25% less expensive than
our 2016 Convention hotel cost. The
2017 convention rate is $199 per night!
Please do not hesitate to contact me with
any questions, comments or concerns.
Educate. Advocate. Litigate.