Dan LaBert: Many law firms focus more on providing competent legal work than a client experience, how does a solo practitioner or large firm partner begin to implement change at his/her firm?
Lee Cockerell: I would say they need to take the time to write down what they want the customer/client experience to be from start to finish and then make sure they hire “Can Do Positive People.“ Train them in customer service and hospitality. Clarify for them expectations for performance and then begin to enforce the training and expectations. This often includes getting rid of highly technically staff that have a negative, “Can’t Do Attitude.”
Dan LaBert: In your first book, Creating Magic, you state "it's not the magic that makes it work; it's the way we work that makes it magic." What is your advice for a solo practitioner that practices bankruptcy law or family law, how can they work the magic with clients experiencing very difficult situations?
Lee Cockerell: We all need the same thing when we are experiencing difficult situations. We need someone who will listen to us, give us advice on how to get through the situation and offer alternatives based upon our personal situation. We all need encouragement from time to time. I would make sure every client is communicated with that while life is difficult going through bankruptcy or family issues such as divorce, that there is life after these situations. Encouragement is a powerful tool. Empathy is in short supply. Lawyers could give more of it out. It is free.
Dan LaBert: After a career with Hilton, Marriott, and 16 years as executive vice president with Walt Disney World, how are you enjoying your retirement? What advice can you offer to any attorney contemplating shutting down his/ her practice and entering retirement?
Lee Cockerell: I am loving retirement. I have written three books. I have a thriving consulting, speaking and seminar business. I am making twice as much money as I did at Disney. I am traveling all over the world doing my work which is not really work for me as I really enjoy doing it. It is my golf game. My wife travels with me when she wants to and my clients applaud when I finish a speech or workshop. When I play golf, no one applauds when I am in the woods looking for my ball. My main advice is to have a plan before you retire. Don’t watch TV during the day and make sure you take care of your health, family and finances. Everything else is secondary for me. My main job now is teaching which is very rewarding.
My final advice is to get balance between technical competency, management competency, technological competence and leadership competence. Do this and you will thrive and not just survive.
Check out my website for over 600 blog posts on how to be a better leader, manager and how to implement world class customer service.
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