Consulting Club - Perspective August-2012 | Page 3

1. What according to you are the three most important qualities a consultant must have?

DD: The three most important qualities that I believe a consultant must have are – a) ability to listen effectively, since solutions are mostly woven in the problem statement itself, and then to communicate with the client in their own context; b) ability to imagine and think creatively which enables generation of solutions; and c) ability to market and sell ideas, which after all is what makes a consultant click.

2. What according to you was the turning point in your life?

DD: In my professional life, the turning point came when I got an opportunity to blend my undergraduate technical education and post graduate financial education, which helped me realize my passion. I believe that there is a certain passion in each and every one of us, which is God-gifted, and we do get equipped along the way to follow our passion. The one big differential that can impact our lives is to discover where our passion lies. The opportunity to work in energy and resources consulting was the turning point in my life.

3. We found you an intense writer. How do you manage to balance your time?

DD: Yes, I do write, but I could do more! I plan to write a book in some time, it has been on my mind for a while. So, I must admit that I have been little off-balance. But writing is again a passion, and sometimes by effectively managing my time and maybe delegating some work to my trusted colleagues, I can pursue writing.

"B-school education probably sets us up for the 'big picture' perspective"

4. Looking back at your graduation, what is the one thing that you find the most useful and what is it that you find indispensable from B School?

DD: My engineering education gave me the analytical foundation and equipped me to have a realistic look at the world around. My business education was also firmly grounded in the practical world; however, it shifted my perspective from being focused on technology to focus on its utility. B-school education probably sets us up for the ‘bigger picture’ perspective.

5. Can you give us a quick overview of the energy consulting industry?

DD: Energy sector consulting mostly focuses on oil & gas, power & fuels; each having niche areas within themselves such as power generation, transmission, distribution, renewables, equipment, regulations, governance, financing, transactions and several others. The typical consulting works involve strategy formulation, performance improvement, human resources ..cont

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On Record: Mr. Dipesh Dipu