Construction Drawings for Home Builders Construction drawings for home builders
Construction Drawings for Home Builders
In the homebuilding industry, the demand for housing across the world is rapidly progressing
because of the increases in population, smaller family units, disposable income, lower
interest, and access to credit. With the boom in the housing market, buyers are ever more
demanding, seeking custom built homes and various home design options to suit their
budgets whether large or small. Homebuilders must address these demands and provide
several home design options to stay competitive in the housing market.
In order to meet the demand in the market, providing residential design drawings options
has become an inevitable possibility. For designers, the key challenge is to create residential
construction drawings for each design option variation to allow site teams to understand the
variation that end customers have chosen. To understand how changes in home design
options affect the development of construction drawing sets, it is essential to know what
typically constitutes a set. A residential construction drawing set usually constitutes
elevations and cross elevations, sections and section details, interior elevations, roof plans,
structural and roof framing, electrical plans and other details required for construction. The
typical components of a complete construction drawing set (CD set) for home design include:
• Exterior Elevations - Floor and ceiling heights, dimensions of standard windows and roof
overhangs and type of finishing and textures.
• Building cross-section - Floor and ceiling heights, dimensions of trusses, details of
overhand and roof pitch on truss sections.