Constitutional Column 2024: Issue 3 | Page 7

Article III details duties for each NJCL officer . Since this is the longest article of the Bylaws , it gets its own segment .
This segment will also contain advice for coming up with officer duties in your JCL .
Keep in mind that some officers also have responsibilities written in the NJCL Constitution . Even they aren ’ t relisted in this Bylaws article , they still apply . The Bylaws are meant to supplement the Constitution and cannot override it .

Article Iii

Duties of Officers

Article III details duties for each NJCL officer . Since this is the longest article of the Bylaws , it gets its own segment .

This segment will also contain advice for coming up with officer duties in your JCL .

Keep in mind that some officers also have responsibilities written in the NJCL Constitution . Even they aren ’ t relisted in this Bylaws article , they still apply . The Bylaws are meant to supplement the Constitution and cannot override it .