Note :
How do I do it ?
At minimum , a committees article just needs to go over the process for creating committees .
Σ Specify who can create a committee . Σ Specify who appoints the members of a committee . Σ Consider whether you want any ex officio committee members .
Establishing Committees
While the NJCL Constitution doesn ’ t establish any specific committees in its Committees article , you may want to do so in your JCL ’ s constitution or bylaws . If a standing committee is permanent and particularly important , it can be helpful to have its duties defined in a governing document .
For each standing committee you want to define , devote a section to it with the following :
Σ the name of the committee ; Σ the committee ’ s duties ; Σ if necessary , its members ;
Here ’ s an example from the ACL Constitution :
“ There shall be a standing committee of The American Classical League called the Membership Committee . The Membership Committee shall be responsible for devising , recommending , and implementing procedures for recruiting and retaining members .”
Note :
The National Committee is an example of a standing committee ! However , it ’ s defined in the ACL Constitution .
Fun fact : its official name is the Committee on the National Junior and Senior Classical Leagues .
If you ’ re making a constitution for a State JCL , it ’ s recommended that you at least establish a finance or treasury committee to make sure that finances are transparent in your State .