CLDA Corner
Todd Parson Rejoins Hackbarth Delivery Service , Inc . as Chief Sales Officer
Todd Parson has rejoined Hackbarth Delivery Service , Inc . as the company ’ s Chief Sales Officer . Previously with Hackbarth as COO , he returns to the company to build a sales organization that will support and drive continued revenue growth and profitability .
“ Parson is an accomplished logistics professional with over 25 years of experience implementing strategic transportation solutions that have consistently delivered strong results in the same-day delivery / distribution industry ,” says Kelly Picard , Hackbarth ’ s CEO .
Parson graduated from the University of Texas in Austin with a degree in Economics . He currently lives in the Dallas , Texas area with his wife of 31 years and three children .
Scott Maddox , who previously held the position , is retiring after seven years with the company . As the leader of the company ’ s sales team , he has been instrumental in the growth of the company over that time , helping to expand the business by almost 200 %, including diversification and expansion into new verticals . Maddox is a veteran of the final-mile delivery industry , starting his career back in the early days at FedEx when they were still a young company , then moving into Wholesale Pharmaceutical Distribution for Walsh before finding himself in the world of customized logistics in the final-mile business . He spent time at Eagle One , Express Courier and US Pack before joining Hackbarth in 2016 .
New CLDA member Recognized for Mentor Program
Wright Management Solutions , LLC was recently honored as one of seven selected Louisiana-based small and emerging businesses by the Louisiana Economic Development Mentor Protege Recognition Program after a successful program partnering with Cheniere Energy .
The program connects local suppliers and small businesses while building a qualified and diverse supply chain in Louisiana .
Wright Management Solution , LLC is also a new member to CLDA and is open to strategic partnerships while expanding its operations from Lake Charles , LA to Houston , TX . CLDA
ProCourier , Inc . Has Named Tyler Gualtieri , Vice President
Gualtieri has worked for the company in various sales and operations positions since 2015 . A native of West Hartford , CT , he graduated from the University of San Diego with a BS in Accountancy . He spent 4 years with the Audit Department at Deloitte in Boston , MA prior to joining ProCourier . He and his wife Joanna recently welcomed a daughter , Elawynn Mae .
Does your company have news you would like to share with the readers of the Customized Logistics & Delivery magazine ? Did you move ? Add new services ? Get an award ? Become involved with a community project ? Reach an important milestone ? Let us know . Members of the CLDA may send their news to : Andrea Obston , CLDA Director of Public Relations , aobston @ aomc . com .
64 customized logistics & delivery Magazine I summer 2023