Conservation Construction Conservation Construction Fall 2017 | Page 5

Welcome to DENVER HOME LIVING MAGAZINE CONTENTS WELCOME Welcome to the fall issue of Denver Home Living Magazine! My vision for this publication began as a 36-page magazine tailored to the needs of current and future homeowners in the Denver Metropolitan area featuring local businesses, professionals, philanthropies, and educators. However, based on the feedback from our readers, it has grown to much more than that and actually made me realize why I have this passion to seek out and work with other truly great professionals. 4 COMMUNITY COMMITMENT 5 LETTER FROM TODD HUETTNER 6 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF CURRENT INTEREST RATES: REFINACING VS. BUYING A NEW HOME 8 AMERICAN ARBOR CARE: TIP-TOP SHAPE 9 TEN WAYS TO SCREW UP YOUR HOME LOAN The common theme we hear from readers is that they are actively seeking a community of local experts they can trust. They want professionals who bring experience and expertise rather than simply pay a fee to get in a publication or on a list. They want to work with small businesses that actually care about establishing a business relationship with future work instead of just one job. 10 THE NEW OLDE TOWN ARVADA 11 JILLIAN HARRIS: GIRLS AFTERNOON 14 AMANDA FORREST: LUXURY FIREPLACES 16 THE RESPONSIBILITY TO BE IRRESPONSIBLE 28 CLOTHES TO KIDS: SERVING DENVER FAMILIES A friend asked me why I didn’t call a specific big tree trimming/ lawn care company in Denver since it would surely advertise in Denver Home Living. My response was that I don’t want just anyone. I want small-business owners that I know personally, whose services I have used, and most importantly, whom I trust. In short, I want Paul Smith and Heather Vigil of American Arbor Care, who I got to know about fifteen years ago when I coached Paul’s son Tyler, and then began using American Arbor Care to take care of our trees. That is my passion and the real value Denver Home Living provides to our readers, and the response has been phenomenal. 30 A SKI AND TASTE TOUR Thank you for being a part of the Denver Home Living community. 32 TODD HUETTNER: FINANCIAL PLANNING Todd Huettner President, Huettner Capital 18 HEALTHIER EVERYDAY LIFE: JAMIE OLIVER 22 AVOID STRESS, FRUSTRATION AND MELTDOWNS 24 PAUL LAFRANCE: "THE DECK GUY" 27 NEW APPROACH ALLEVIATES FEELING OF SHAME IN THE CLASSROOM 34 HOME FOR HOME: INSURANCE YOUR WAY 5