Conservation Action Fund Update: Africa—April 2023 RT_CAF_Africa_Update | Page 2

Since 2017 , the Conservation Action Fund has supported 57 projects in Africa
13,921,509 acres
Safeguarded 462 threatened species
Stored 795,490,923 mT CO2 — equivalent to the emissions of
177 million gaspowered vehicles driven for one year
9,368,631 acres are in the process of being protected

Together We Can Accomplish Great Things

Protect Forest Elephants and Lowland Gorillas of Africa ’ s Biodiversity Hotspot
Rainforest Trust and our local partner , Strong Roots , celebrate the protection of 636,308 acres toward our goal of 769,543 acres in the Democratic Republic of the Congo . These acres in the eastern part of the country — a beautiful mosaic of forest types , including high-altitude , dense tropical and old-growth forests — were protected in August 2022 .
Highly threatened , rare species like the Grauer ’ s Gorilla and African Forest Elephant as well as several endangered bird species , including Hooded Vultures , Grey Parrots and Shelley ’ s Crimsonwing — one of the rarest finches in the world — are now protected in this newly created corridor .
Since 2017 , the Conservation Action Fund has supported 57 projects in Africa
13,921,509 acres
Safeguarded 462 threatened species
Stored 795,490,923 mT CO2 — equivalent to the emissions of
177 million gaspowered vehicles driven for one year
An additional
9,368,631 acres are in the process of being protected
African Forest Elephant
Save the Ethiopian Wolf from Extinction
The world ’ s rarest canid , the Endangered Ethiopian Wolf , is endemic to seven isolated mountain ranges . As habitat is lost due to agriculture , overgrazing of highland pastures by domestic livestock and development of roads and railroads , this species ’ population is shrinking . Fewer than 200 mature individuals are estimated to remain .
Together with our Ethiopian partner , Afromontane Biodiversity Conservation , Rainforest Trust successfully established the 6,672- acre Anaz Guassa Community Conservation Area in August 2022 . This property adjoins the Menz Guassa Community Conservation Area , creating a contiguous protected habitat for the Ethiopian Wolf across the Guassa Mountains . Households in the conservation area are beekeeping and raising poultry , enabling the local community to generate income without affecting Ethiopian Wolf habitat .