Conscious Life Mag Issue #2 April-June 2017 Conscious Life Mag Issue #2 April-June 2017 | Page 12

a phosphonate . It is used to kill weeds , especially annual broadleaf weeds and grasses that compete with crops . It was discovered to be an herbicide by Monsanto chemist John E . Franz in 1970 . Monsanto brought it to market in 1974 under the trade name Roundup .
For example , Monsanto has crossed genetic material from bacteria known as Bt ( Bacillus thuringiensis ) with corn . The goal was to create a pest-resistant plant . This means that any pests attempting to eat the corn plant will die since the pesticide is part of every cell of the plant .
The resultant GMO plant , known as Bt Corn , is itself registered as a pesticide with the EPA , along with other GMO Bt crops . In other words , if you feed this corn to your cattle , your chickens , or yourself , you ’ ll be feeding them an actual pesticide , not just a smidgeon of pesticide residue .
Those that are genetically altered like corn , soy and cucumbers seeds that grow into plants unaffected by pesticides , herbicides and other adverse conditions such as drought . Soils are also affected and depleted by growing GMO crops and the use of these pesticides and these growing methods .
Many fruits such as apples and berries are sprayed with these pesticides as soon as the buds appear ; In other
words , I believe as do many , that this pesticide residues now become part of the fruit , and this cannot be washed away .
Sadly , we do not know the long term effects of GMOs on the body and planet .
On the one hand , biotech firms like Monsanto argue that the GMO seeds they create are so unique that they need to be patented ; something that has farreaching and devastating effects on the global economy .
Yet on the other hand , the same firms argue that the GMO seeds are “ substantially equivalent ” to other seeds , so they have no need to be labeled , tested , or otherwise regulated .
So far , the U . S . government has allowed biotech firms to get away with this . However , some testing of GMO seeds has been done in other countries , and it takes investigative journalism found in books like Seeds of Deception : Exposing Industry and Government Lies about the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You ’ re Eating to expose just what ’ s at risk . Author : Jeffrey M . Smith
Roundup research in Rodale ’ s Organic Life … It ' s Raining Roundup . Each year , nonorganic farmers dump millions of pounds of Roundup on food crops . The levels are so excessive , that the federal scientists
recently detected the weed killer in the air and rain . Veteran pesticide-exposure scientist Warren Porter , PhD , professor of environmental toxicology and zoology at the University of Wisconsin – Madison , crunched the numbers and found the data collected by the United States Geological Survey scientists reveal exposure to Roundup could potentially alter your hormones , leading to obesity , heart problems , and diabetes .
Roundup Doubles Our Risk of Lymphoma A major new review of 44 scientific studies found that glysphosate exposure doubles farmers ' risk of developing non- Hodgkin ' s lymphoma . The study authors theorize that Roundup disrupts the normal functioning of white blood cells , throwing your immune system into a sickened , dysfunctional state .
Roundup Flat-Out Kills Human Cells In 2009 , French researchers published a scientific paper in the journal Chemical Research in Toxicology showing that low levels of four glyphosate formulations used in Roundup — levels far below what ' s allowed in agriculture ; levels on par with what ' s in our food — all kill human umbilical , embryonic , and placental cells within 24 hours .
Roundup Is Killing Your Gut Glyphosate isn ' t just an herbicide ; it ' s registered as an antimicrobial agent in the U . S ., too , thanks to its ability to wipe out a wide variety of pathogenic organisms . The problem is harmful pathogens like Clostridium botulinum , Salmonella , and E . coli are able to survive in the gut , but the " good guys " in your digestive tract , protective microorganisms , bacillus and lactobacillus , for instance , are killed off . This could set your digestive tract up for a nightmarish situation , including " leaky gut ," where the protective gut lining is compromised , allowing bacteria and toxins to escape into your bloodstream .
The use of glyphosate is also linked to the depopulation of bee colonies ; has resulted in an 81 percent decrease in the monarch butterfly population , among affecting many other beneficial insects .
Many believe that GMO seeds and crops produce more , but in my experience this is not totally true , growing using organic methods yields a greater abundance ; other benefits of growing and producing crops using these methods is not only the nutritional value to our bodies , but also a responsible way to be in harmony with nature and our planet ; to be better stewards of the land and
environment .
According to seedsavers . org … Why Save Seeds ? People save seeds for lots of different reasons and there is no single right reason to get started saving your own garden seeds .
Save Money A typical package of 50 pepper seeds costs $ 3 or more , while transplants can cost $ 5 each ! By growing food from seeds you have saved , you can significantly reduce the cost of producing healthy food .
Preserve Genetic Diversity Lots of great varieties will never see the fame of a commercial seed catalog . Many of these unique plants only exist in the hands of one or two gardeners . Lend a hand and save some of those seeds that are in danger of disappearing !
Flavor Ever find the best tasting tomato from a seed catalog one year only to discover you can ’ t buy it anywhere the following year ? Seed savers don ’ t have this problem !
Connect With Your Garden Every seed holds a connection to the past and the future . Seeds connect us to our history , our culture , our family , and our sense of who we are .
Help Save the Bees Insect pollinators perform a $ 24 billion service each year in the United States alone . And many of these species are in decline . While you wait around for your flowers to produce seeds , they are providing invaluable food for bees , butterflies , and beetles .
Build Community Seed saving and seed sharing go hand-in-hand ; share with a neighbor , help a community garden become more self-sufficient , or take a new gardener under your wing and teach them how to save their own seeds .
Sources : https :// www . smallfootprintfamily . com / hybridseeds-vs-gmos www . seedsavers . org http :// www . foodrenegade . com / hybrid-seeds-vs-gmos / http :// www . rodalesorganiclife . com / food / how-muchroundup-are-you-eating
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