Conscious Comments October 2013 | Page 4


by Ras rocker tafari

a.k.a. rocker-t

"Even if he be an expert in the revealed and traditional scriptures, in literature and all sacred books, the man ignorant of music is but an animal on two feet."

"He who knows the inner meaning and sound of the lute, who is expert in intervals and in modal scales and knows the rhythms, travels without effort upon the way of liberation." - Yajnavalkya Smriti III,115

"A soft answer turns away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger." - Proverbs 15:1

Words are sounds. That which can be felt is in a sense as well heard. Words are visual and they are sound. Speech can be melodious and rhythmic or it can be aggressive and dissonant. Sound conveys feeling. The vibrations of a being's aura can be seen, felt and heard. The same vibrations one conveys can influence and even determine the actual state of one's surrounding condition.

In today's hyper-commercialized and over-stimulated world there appear many forms of "entertainment" that are designed only for base purposes of momentary pleasure and long-term enticement. It is important to recognize what energies are truly beneficial to one's being and the general state of all things in comparison to energies that build feelings of dissatisfaction and emptiness.

Sometime ago music shops were mostly categorized in alphabetical order. Music was not always sub-divided and separated into so many genres. And while genre encoding helps many music lovers to find music that they will probably like, it doesn't always help one discover the unknown wonders of countless numbers of obscure songs and pieces of music.

There could never be only one rhythm or melody or tempo. Every aspect and moment in life has a music and a vibration leading and/or accompanying them. Although there are very specific types of rhythms and melodies that I personally gravitate to more than others, I search for ways to reveal all of my musical tastes. What I enjoy listening to is very diverse and expanded and so I strive to be original and stylistic in regards to writing, recording and performing the music that I generate. As my experience grows and awareness increases I find that I am filled more and more with new rhythms and melodies that enter my

Photo bt Grizz the Pure Man

Music As the Instrument of Healing