Living cont'd
In my personal experience, elderberry is very effective as a preventative or first response remedy for the cold/flu. I take it if I am in an environment where I have been exposed to other peoples’ compromised immune systems or if I am experiencing the first signs of getting sick. I really like to use elderberry extract in combination with echinacea root extract. I have noticed that this combination will either prevent me from getting the cold/flu or greatly shorten the duration of it, if I start dosing myself early enough. It is also good to combine other forms of therapy like compresses, warming tea, such as ginger and cinnamon and hot therapeutic baths. The best result comes from early and consistent dosage because, in my experience, once the sickness is full blown it usually just runs its course.
Dosage of elderberry for adults –
4 dropperfulls of tincture in a small amount water 3-4 times per day OR
2 tablespoons of syrup 3-4 times per day
for the first 3 days of feeling sick.
When not in the acute stage of illness, it is good to boost the immune system with tonic herbs, such as Ashwagandha, Nettles, Astragalus, Reishi Mushroom, Jamaican Sarsparilla, American Ginseng and Eleuthero
In addition to elderberry, elderflower is also a useful medicinal herb. Beautiful and wonderfully scented, elderflower is a great remedy for runny nose, sinus congestion and cough. It is also diaphoretic (helps to promote sweating) and thus helps to break a fever when necessary. Mouthwashes made with elderflower are reported to be soothing and cooling to inflammation of gums and mouth.
Elderflower is also very nourishing to the skin. A low heat infused oil (olive, cocoa, shea or jojoba) or a salve is the best preparation for this purpose. For the skin, elderflower is often combined with herbs such as plantain, calendula, rose or lavender.