Conscious Comments November 2013 | Page 34

within me a deeper sense of duty. It brought about a deeper sense of commitment within myself towards using my privilege as a white American man as a tool with which to help people all over the world. It is my firm belief that we are given gifts in order to share them. As well off, educated, and compassionate humans, I feel we must all recognize how incredibly blessed we are and explore the ways in which we can use our privilege in order to alleviate the suffering of the world.

 One thing that has stuck in my mind since returning from India is how incredibly kind and humble the people are. Everywhere you look you can see a loving smile. Walking down the street, people are excited to see a new face and greet you with kindness. The people seemed genuinely happy and content, regardless of the harsh living conditions which they endure on a daily basis. 

Having access to so much, we forget how truly blessed we are. We have so much yet it has corrupted our minds. The more we have, the more we want. We live in a materialistic, ego driven society that trivializes the spirit. Success is valued over compassion. Where is our attitude of gratitude? The truth of the matter is that if we want to see a real change it must start with you and me. 

Gratitude is powerful meditation that will not only make what you have feel like so much more, but also attract more beauty into your life than you could ever imagine. The act of focusing on what we have attracts more of that into our lives. When we focus on the lack, we fail to use this universal law to our advantage. By taking it to our advantage, we harness the power to offer an advantage to the whole human race.

It is my wish that the natural progression of this powerful meditation will lead us all towards the path of selfless service, for the only joy greater than realizing a state of love is guiding another to finding that same light. If it is true that we all learn by example, then it must be through service that we can lead.

Life is a chance to give. Don't miss it.
