Conscious Comments November 1, 2012 | Page 18

The Emotion Garden

by Lance Malveaux

staff writer

Tending your garden in this crazy mixed up world has

become increasingly more difficult. Whether it is the soil,

the seeds, the quality of the water, or the ability of all of

the inhabitants of the garden to share the space for

prosperity, nutrition, and growth, things have to come

together in order for the garden to thrive. Throughout

life we grow. We reach our physical peaks at various times without ever really recognizing when those times have passed or have yet to come. Mentally we tend to do the same. However, emotionally, our peaks may never be reached for emotions are the variable. Your garden can have every advantage imaginable but if there is an issue that is unseen or unheard, your garden may not produce. It may not grow. It may not bear the fruits of the labor put into it. What appears to be unexplainable is simply ignored, taken for granted, and dismissed as an emotional reaction to a fundamental solution.

Often we discard emotion as something that may impede our progress, but without an understanding of our own feelings and what they mean for us, we never fully grow and bear the fruit that we have cultivated within ourselves to share. As humans it is a gift and a responsibility to share with each other to enhance what we know as our lives. During our darkest days we call upon our emotions to carry us through. Our emotions need to be nurtured and exposed to all of the things that will help us mature to the point to truly bear fully formed fruit, thoughts, and expressions.

Where do you get your food? How well do you feed your body? How well do you nourish your emotions? Empires have been created and destroyed due to emotion. Empires have been created and destroyed,governments have fallen kingdoms ravaged due to uncultivated emotions. People are taken from the earth because of the malnourished emotions of other individuals and sometimes themselves. We pick our mates with emotion. We destroy because of emotions and we create because of them. Let’s not continue to ignore the essence and the power of our human existence. Let’s tend to our garden! We must mind every weed, water when it is time, check for insects that can eat away at us, feed the soil that grounds us, pick the moments when our fruits are ripe and herbs are the most flavorful! Our power, our strength ,our foundations, our love are our emotions! We owe it to ourselves and to mother earth to take better care of our garden so we may take better care of her. Smile

“Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success. Always be on the lookout for ways to turn a problem into an opportunity for success. Always be on the lookout for ways to nurture your dream.”~Lao Tzu