View global citizenship is an ethos; the
character of our society, by teaching it in
schools. It doesn’t have to be an extra
subject, but an underlying theme in
existing subjects.For example, empower
children by enabling them to aid people
and places in crisis or turmoil as part
of their history, language, English, etc.
classes. Create a global culture and
mindset starting with their own world,
their school.
Stay abreast of current events around the world. Know what is happening with your neighbors locally, nationally, and internationally. The internet has enabled us to get news from almost anywhere, or at least to be in touch with people from the far corners of the earth. Be informed.
Get Involved
Volunteer, sign a petition, join a protest, vote, and spread the word.
Start at home by making choices in your food, transportation, creation of waste, etc. that will benefit the planet
Support worthy causes that may or may not benefit you
Stand up for your rights or the rights of those being wronged
Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia said to the League of Nations when advising them to stop Mussolini from invading Ethiopia, “Today it is us. It will be you tomorrow.” If your only reason to get involved is because you may need help one day…that’s ok. We are one.