Conscious Comments January 2013 | 页面 12



"And God created that sea of His own good pleasure, for He knew what would come of the man He should make; so that after he had left the garden, on account of his transgression, men should be born in the earth, from among whom righteous ones should die, whose souls God would raise at the last day; when they should return to their flesh; should bathe in the water of that sea, and all of them repent of their sins". The Book of Eden Chapter 1 verse 4

This past year, my wife and I have had a strong calling to baptize our family into JAH's kingdom by the tradition of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church(EOTC). We, as mystics feel that through baptism you further anoint and align yourself into the Kingdom of Heaven. I feel the birth of our son Wadada has expedited this mystical ceremony. The ritual is one that symbolizes ones change from a

worldly carnal mind to a spiritually Christ conscious mind. This leads one on the path of unifying soul and mind. We know that Yesua The Christ and Haile Selassie received such blessings and this ritual activated their soul's purity ten-fold.

Jesus's baptism in the Jordan River signified his anointing by JAH the father and Memphis Kiddus(Holy Spirit) to go forth on his mission as the Saviour of the World. When Selassie was a young boy a Coptic monk asked him how he had acquired such great wisdom and power? Young Tafari said that he remembered his baptism as an infant and that as soon as he was blessed in the water and given his baptismal name Haile Selassie (meaning Power of The Trinity) his divine knowledge immediately increased. For us, our immortal soul tells us that this is a true spiritual reward.

Many believe that Baptism is strictly a Christian tradition. However, like many sacred acts of the Church, its roots are in Judaism. The Mikvah (Hebrew for gathering of water) are baths or natural springs used for ritual immersions. These were used for converts, repentance of transgressions and purity for eradication of the fleshly ego. The custom was to immerse themselves three times before the Hight Priest and other witnesses. This would give the person a spiritual rebirth or to be "Born Again".

Of course in Kemet or Ancient Egypt, the cradle and originator of many world faiths, newborns were baptized in the cold waters of the Nile. This was a purification ritual used to cleanse them of any blemishes that occurred while in the womb.They believe that the cold water regenerated ones body, soul and mind. They would baptize newborns after nine days and then they named them. The nine days refer to the inseparable parts of the human soul.

The Greek word "Baptizo" means to immerse. The Greeks borrowed the baptismal tradition from the Afrikan Kemetic culture as a means of assuring immortality in their present human life form.They saw the immersion not only as one for purifying oneself, but also an act of initiation. It is said that these initiated souls got lifted into a higher consciousness of being.

Upon reflection of our family's journey towards baptism,I have realized that we've had similar blessings in the past couple of years. However, none of these rituals strictly involved

by Joe Gell