Conscious Comments January 2013 | Page 10

Joie de Vivre

The joy of life can be found spending time with family especially children. Here are some fun family activity ideas.

Potluck International Food Night - This family activity requires a group of families, preferably in your neighborhood, but could be done as a single family. Each month a different family hosts a potluck international food night. In January all the families get together to choose the countries we want to " visit". Everyone signs up to host a country and we make a master schedule. Each month the host finds traditional music of the country chosen, maps and all the kids have "passports"; they get a special stamp from the host. Many of the families have gotten in to this so much that some find traditional clothing, games etc to bring along. The food is always amazing and this is a great opportunity to learn about other cultures, share community and live cooperatively. It is also note worthy to mention that many childless couples have joined our group and several single elderly neighbors as well. It is truly a cultural and generational event!

Family Art Night -

Each member of the family comes up with ideas of how they would like to express themselves through art. Pick a project, purchase the supplies together i.e. colors, mediums etc. Then, on a Saturday or vacation day, do a cooperative large scale art project together while listening to music. This certainly beats the old stand by of renting a movie and you end up with something amazing and meaningful. Family art night is an outlet for creative energy and a lesson in where and when such art can take place.

Volunteer Together as a Family

Why not spend your family time helping others in need? Working together as a family to help others in need can be an incredibly powerful way of building family bonds and developing a great sense of pride and fulfillment in all family members.

Have mother/daughter days

For ages (2-5)-Learn together at the children's museum, do craft projects, or bake cookies together

For ages (6-10)-Do scrapbooking, go to a movie together, or go on a bike ride

For ages (11+) Teach her to make her favorite dish or snack,help her design an updated look for her bedroom, take a sewing or jewelery making class together

For father/son days-

Teach your son to ride a bike, play catch, shoot hoops, go to a game, teach him how to change a tire

The point of it all is to spend time together and have fun building memories, confidence, and love.