Conscious Comments February 2013 | Page 16


Divine Natural Time

Over Man-Made Time

bt Joe Gell

"And he shall speak great words against the Most High and--think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until…"

Book of Daniel Chapter 7 verse 25 King James Version

The Almighty Creator has never instructed us to abide by 4:30 pm Pacific time March 31st, 2012 After Death "(A.D.) or any Roman Gregorian alteration of JAH's natural time. In the last decade or so before the Rainbow bridge or planetary synchronization shift of December 21st, 2012, many here in the west were realizing the spiritual significance of following the 13 moon calendar. Many ancient peoples from the Hebrews, Sumerians and Mayans all followed the moon cycle to determine many divine occurrences. These ancient peoples were given divine signs from the Almighty through eclipses, meteorites, stars and planets. These signs indicated the present and future of JAH's divine plan for the Universe.

The ancient method of the 13 moon calendar is still used in the present day and it is predominately used in the East. Ethiopian, Indian, Jewish and Muslim cultures use the 28 day calendar to signify the natural God time and observe holy days and periods. In fact,

the artificial perception of time that Rome implemented has had a detrimental effect on the human psyche. The added days of the Gregorian calendar and relying on their man-made clock has confused our natural rhythm of time. This in turn can negatively effect our mind, body and soul. "The very nature of the calendar that the world follows has stunted the mind and the body's innate timing sensibility...Our sense of time is a fundamental perception. If the standard of measure of time that we use is irregular, then we must contemplate deeply and understand what this does to our mind over centuries of prolonged use." said Dr. Jose Arguelles. Arguelles realized that we as spiritual beings can shift our individual and collective consciousness to one that naturally reveres our Creator, if we revere the Most High's natural time.

I first began to be conscious of the manipulation of time 10 years ago. The Spirit spoke through my elder to me about my anxious habit of often looking at the clock while in a "rush". She said "The more you look at the clock, the faster time seems, the less you look, the slower time seems."