Conscious Comments February 2013 | Page 13

different family members, foster parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, older siblings, teachers, mentors, clergy—there are so many grown ups who have an impact on a young persons life and we try to speak to that complexity as much as possible. When we’re only talking to “parents” we’re losing many of the adults who may actually be holding the real power in terms of influence over young people.

CC: What has been the response from youth and adults a like?

EK: The response has been overwhelmingly positive. From the feedback we’ve received, it seems that many adults feel that they are hearing insights, ideas, and strategies that they aren’t hearing any place else.

CC: Why a radio program for youth?

EK: Here at Community of Unity, we talk about “making good choices.” And on Youth Empowered, we address the reality that our young people are exposed to endless choices in how they want to conduct their lives.

We want to be a space where people can share information about some of those choices, and where grown ups can perhaps learn more or gain perspective about options that they may feel threatened by—whether its veganism or becoming a Buddhist, or a new type of music (all of which can be threatening to a grown up.) We try to present information about as many of those opportunities or choices as possible in a way that doesn’t judge, silence or divide.

Of course, its not enough just to provid information—one has to have the courage to be real. One of the ways we do that on Youth Empowered is by dealing with specific situations and challenges with the conscious

intention that our conversations are more reality-based, addressing what people are really going through and really feeling.

Discussions of sex, for example, should not only be about STDs and teen pregnancy or internet porn or rape. Discussions of drugs shouldn’t only be about drug laws. There are a range of issues that occupy the middle ground between alarmism and permissiveness, and, in fact, most parents, caregivers, or educators live in that space.

That said, Dr. J and I are both professionals who care deeply about the safety and health of youth and families, and we’ve devoted our lives to that work. As a result, we both have very definite opinions about what is and what isn’t good choice making on the part of kids and their caregivers—and we share that. This isn’t a free forum, were both very opinionated and come with decades of experience, which leads to very impassioned debate within ourselves and with our guests. Always, the ultimate goal is empowering young people.

CC: What do you hope to achieve from the show—what are your goals?

EK: The show really is a place where we hope to get people talking and thinking more deeply about how we care for, support and relate to young people.

Eric Komoroff is the Founder & Executive Director of COMMUNITY of UNITY. Fine out more : SUPPORT CofU: