Trevon Sundiata Ferguson, a (Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago), native, is a man from a path that many have known but few have walked. His life reflects the power hope even when facing the most rigorous of mountains. Being raised by the woman he calls his grandmother or more affectionately “mama” and having seen everything from losing his mother to Multiple Sclerosis to battling with disease himself, Sundiata learned very quickly how important it is living your life with a purpose. Over the years, Sundiata has been dedicated to being educated and certified in many different health and holistic wellness fields. Also having served in the US Army, traveling throughout the world, and growing exponentially along the way he gained an invaluable love for knowledge, information and truth about the parts of the world that he has seen. Whether you’re listening to Sundiata on stage, on DVD, or reading his words in a book it is guaranteed that you’ll have a better understanding of the urgent magnitude that having hope and living with purpose has on the quality of your life.
The Center of Your Physical Universe
by Trevon Sundiata Ferguson
The center of your physical universe
inieThe center of your physical universe
ntur mi, consenis. Di sus incitam illabore rest ommos aliqui.
Halfway between your foot and your head is your center. Whatever is at that point on your body is your heart. The heart of your body is your colon. Out of your colon flow your issues of life. If you want to understand yourself, the first thing you must do is clean your colon”. “The Rebirth of Gods”, Dr. Paul Goss
It is said that all sickness begins in the colon and spreads to other parts of the body. A toxic and impacted colon feeds your blood supply, which feeds your body. Tiredness, sluggishness, headaches and other related illnesses and dis-eases are a direct result of an impacted and toxic colon. Did you know that the average American has between five (5) and twenty-two (22) pounds of compacted fecal matter stuck in their digestive system?
The Colon is a tube approximately five feet long and two inches in diameter. A healthy colon has uniform size and tone. The three main functions of the colon is:
(1) the final digestion of our food,
(2) the elimination of digestive residue of food we have eaten and
(3) the discharge of toxins and waste from our body.
When the colon is congested with stagnate waste, poisons back up into our system and pollute the inner environment. This is called autointoxication, literally “self-poisoning”.
All of the body’s tissues are affected by autointoxication.
•If the poisons back up into the nervous system, we feel irritable and depressed.
•We feel weak if they back up to the heart,
•Bloated if they reach the stomach, and our breath is foul if they reach the lungs.
•If the toxins back up to the skin, another organ of elimination, it becomes sallow and wrinkled.
•If they back up to the glands, we feel tired, lack enthusiasm and drive, and look older beyond our years.